Mum’s the Word

Last fall, I planted a few small mums in the bed across the front of our house. These were just a few bucks a piece at Lowe’s. And I splurged on two of the large, $39.99 mums for the pots by the front porch:

2012-10-21 15.03.57

2012-10-21 15.02.27

2012-10-21 15.01.58

The plan was to enjoy them during the fall and winter, then plant something else in the spring. But I was busy and a little lazy and that never happened. The mums stayed green all winter, and by spring, I had big, round ball-shaped shrubs all the way across the front of the house:

The House | Rosemary on the TV

They didn’t look too terrible, and I didn’t really get a chance to do anything else, so I let them grow. By summer, they were waist high! In July, I trimmed them back once, until they were about a foot tall. By last month, they were huge again. AND NOW:

Mums the Word | Rosemary on the TV #fall #mums #curbappeal

Mums the Word | Rosemary on the TV #fall #mums #curbappeal

Mums the Word | Rosemary on the TV #fall #mums #curbappeal

WHAT?! They are even bigger and yellower than the $39.99 mums I planted in pots last year (though, I still have those as well!). With sixteen of these bad boys, if I were to go to the store and buy them this size, it would cost me more than $600. A lesson in laziness, friends. For funsies, here’s a look back at the house over time:


The first time we ever saw it.

Mums the Word | Rosemary on the TV #fall #mums #curbappeal

Right after we bought it and had a new roof installed (thanks Google Street View!)

The House | Rosemary on the TV

After our big landscaping project.

Mums the Word | Rosemary on the TV #fall #mums #curbappeal

And now, with a fresh paint job and a ridiculous amount of yellow mums. Next up: black shutters!

5 Responses to “Mum’s the Word”

  1. 1 Alysia October 15, 2013 at 5:57 pm

    Mums are just about my favorite flower. Lookin’ swell, RH!

  2. 2 Chanise February 8, 2016 at 10:54 pm

    Looks great! Do you have the name of the paint on the door?

  1. 1 Put it to Bed | rosemary on the tv Trackback on May 21, 2014 at 9:32 pm

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