Posts Tagged 'party'

Our Wes Anderson-Inspired Couples Shower

A Wes Anderson-Inspired Couples Wedding Shower | Rosemary on the TV

The wedding approacheth, guys. Three weeks-ish until Aaron and I are united as one and I’m free to get fat and cut my hair off. Just kidding. Sorta. Leading up to the wedding, we’ve had a few wedding-related events, including a couples shower that our wonderful wedding party threw us. When my man of honor, Cody, and I were talking about what sort of details to include in the shower, we got a bit carried away (as we tend to do when we’re together), and we decided a Wes Anderson shower would be a fun theme that wasn’t overdone or too girly.

A Wes Anderson-Inspired Couples Wedding Shower | Rosemary on the TV

A Wes Anderson-Inspired Couples Wedding Shower | Rosemary on the TV

A Wes Anderson-Inspired Couples Wedding Shower | Rosemary on the TV

We had already rented the recently renovated Big Maumelle Pavilion at Pinnacle Moutain State Park, which is out in the woods near the water. Our Moonrise Kingdom-esque camp setting was good to go, albeit a little hard to find. Sorry to all our friends who got lost driving around in the woods. Oops!

A Wes Anderson-Inspired Couples Wedding Shower | Rosemary on the TV

A Wes Anderson-Inspired Couples Wedding Shower | Rosemary on the TV

Next up: props. Since my mom is currently renovating her house, canvas drop cloths were numerous and accessible, so we used them as tablecloths over the metal picnic tables. My mom also used to own a theater and still has a storage shed full of great props, so we raided her prop supplies and our houses for anything that reminded us of Wes Anderson: directors chairs, vintage suitcases, lanterns, globes.

A Wes Anderson-Inspired Couples Wedding Shower | Rosemary on the TV

A Wes Anderson-Inspired Couples Wedding Shower | Rosemary on the TV

The True Love letterpress print is by my friends Roll & Tumble Press, and is available here. The boxing gloves above, framed butterflies below and the landscape paint-by-numbers art in the top photo are all from Clement/Sweet Home in Little Rock.

A Wes Anderson-Inspired Couples Wedding Shower | Rosemary on the TV

A Wes Anderson-Inspired Couples Wedding Shower | Rosemary on the TV

Cody came through with some great props as well, all scored from his friend, Nashville stylist Kate Mills of, including a gramophone and old tennis rackets. For actual music, however, we had a great playlist of Wes Anderson soundtrack music, made by the best man.

A Wes Anderson-Inspired Couples Wedding Shower | Rosemary on the TV

A Wes Anderson-Inspired Couples Wedding Shower | Rosemary on the TV

For dinner, we kept things simple. My dad smoked some brisket, pulled pork and chicken, and the bridal party pitched in potluck style and made baked beans, potato salad and pasta salad.

A Wes Anderson-Inspired Couples Wedding Shower | Rosemary on the TV

A Wes Anderson-Inspired Couples Wedding Shower | Rosemary on the TV

A Wes Anderson-Inspired Couples Wedding Shower | Rosemary on the TV

For dessert, I set up a s’mores bar, which I think was a hit, but I’m not entirely sure because I was too busy stuffing my face with s’mores.

A Wes Anderson-Inspired Couples Wedding Shower | Rosemary on the TV

A Wes Anderson-Inspired Couples Wedding Shower | Rosemary on the TV

Our centerpiece, however, was the canoe. A perfect example of why my man of honor is my man of honor. In all of our party planning brainstorming, I said it would be SO COOL if we could get a canoe to fill with ice and serve drinks out of. Cody didn’t bat an eyelash, and showed up at my house that day with a canoe strapped to his truck.

A Wes Anderson-Inspired Couples Wedding Shower | Rosemary on the TV Aaron and I felt so thankful that our friends came out to support us. Also a huge thank you to Heather Canterbury for taking all the amazing photos in this post!


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